Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The miracles of nature are everywhere. This beautiful tradescantia grows in our side yard. The deep purple flower is so eye catching amidst the almost neon green foliage. Why did someone name this spider wort??
We witnessed a heart warming, wonderful saga in our backyard late yesterday afternoon. We knew there was a nest of cardinals in the tree outside the back door, and yesterday the babies left the nest. They are tiny brown puff balls with comically wide beaks and they are sooooooooo CUTE!!!!! At first they hopped around on the ground, with Mom and Dad everywhere, flying from shrub to tree to ground, chirping and buzzing and twittering. Even someone who doesn't speak cardinal could clearly understand what they were saying. Gradually, the little ones, with major fuzzy wing flappage, managed to get a foot off the ground. One flew into a little dish of bird seed; another flew up our back steps one at a time. It was precious and priceless and I am thankful for witnessing such a gift. I hope the babies grow up and come back to our yard to raise their own babies in our tree someday down the road.

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