Thursday, December 13, 2007


Winnie, my beautiful collie, loves me unconditionally. She waits at the glass front storm door at home, and as I pull into the driveway, I see her get up and she is there to meet me as I come in the back door. Her joy in my daily homecoming is enthusiastic and total.
In the past several days I have been compelled to think about love and what it means to me. Above all things, I value unconditional love most. It's difficult for us humans to love unconditionally, but it is possible. If I truly love someone, right to the very center of my heart, I can do nothing else but love them. To be loved unconditionally is life's greatest joy; I know this because I have been the recipient of that kind of devotion- from some of the people in my life and by my animal friends. I know right down to my socks that I can count on this love no matter what. These people may not always agree with every choice I make, but regardless, even if I feel their anger or dismay, I will also feel their love because they know my heart.
I also know what it is like to have conditions placed on whether I am loved. And while unconditional love is the greatest joy, love that carries stipulations can be one of the greatest sorrows.

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