Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My daughter, my friend

Heidi Marie celebrated her 24th birthday on the 17th of December. As every mother does, I think back over all the years since she came into my life on a cold winter morning in Atlanta at 5:33AM: holding her for the first time and annoying the nursery nurses because I kept her in my room all the time; seeing her play as a toddler in her flowered corderoy overalls; french braiding her hair and putting on her makeup in preparation for dance recitals; sitting at a bazillion soccer games from elementary through her senior year; helping her select her prom dresses. We weathered some rough times; there were periods when I didn't think I knew her any more and when I'm sure she wished she didn't know me. We made it through those years, and today, I couldn't be prouder of the woman my daughter has become. She knows who she is and is strong enough to stand up for her beliefs. There is a grounded sense about her that I know will serve her well as the years pass, and her heart is good. She has become a wonderful friend whose opinions I value. I wouldn't trade her for anything!! I love you Heidi!

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