Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My best friend

My husband has always been active in distance sports. In high school he was a runner, following in the footsteps- no pun intended- of his older siblings. He continued running until several years ago, when his knees started to complain about all the miles. More recently he has discovered the joy of bicycling, probably spurred on by his admiration for Lance Armstrong's accomplishments, both on and off the bike. He generally takes off early on Saturday mornings and heads out into the country, preferring to ride alone. He says it's the best mental therapy he could hope for, not to mention the physical benefits.
He also rides to work as often as possible, which takes him into downtown. In the spring, before it was light out, he would head out with safety lights attached to his bike and clothes. The last I would see of him was his little red lights disappearing in the dark.
I'm happy that he has found this sport he loves, and proud of how far he can ride at a time. The last 2 Saturdays he put over 200 miles on his bike out on the country roads, alone with his thoughts.

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