Monday, September 24, 2007

Big Adventure on the Horizon

Sometime last March, an email came from The Pacific Whale Foundation, an organization
of which Jim and I are members. The PWF is based out of Hawaii, and is dedicated to whale research and preservation along with educating the public. This email was an announcement that PWF offered research internships in the study of humpback whales in Australia and Ecuador and that any interested persons should send a letter requesting to sign up.
This was one of those moments in life where I thought to myself: Self, you say that you want to live life to the fullest, and if you don't sign up for this, your words are all bluster and hot air. And after having that little self chat, I called Jim and sprung this on him. "I really want to go!" I said. And he said, "Well OK! Write them back".
Without any hesitation, I sent a response telling about my passion for protecting all animals, my reasonable level of fitness for someone my age, and my career in research. Within a week, I received an invitation to take part, and this coming Saturday at 5:15PM my flight leaves Columbus on the first leg of my journey to Australia. (The photo of the flukes is not one of my own; I found it on line.)

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