Friday, February 27, 2009

Patience Kitty

"To make a difference in the life of another..."
Patience was not a social cat. After she came to live with us she spent the first month upstairs, hiding under the futon. Gradually she came step-by-step down the stairs, and came to be a member of our family. Quiet, wanting to be left unprovoked by other furry family members, she chose Jim's lap as her place. In her way, she changed his life, allowing him to know, through her friendship, feline companionship.
Today, Patience completed her work. In Jim's lap, where she had given and received great love, Patience went ahead to bask in the warmth of the sun, where she is whole. And God, who loved her before we knew her and allowed us the gift of her unique friendship, must surely have welcomed her into his arms, saying, "Well done, good and faithful Patience."

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