Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Brother Geese

Life is going by each day at a furious pace. I have wanted to write about so many things but there is just so much time in a day...or a week. And so at least on this cloudy Sunday afternoon, I have found a few moments.
Autumn, while still with us, is fading with the colors. Soon, all will be brown and gray, and yet the hues are still lovely. The colors are more calming and peaceful than the bright reds, pinks and oranges of summer. Nature rests.
My little grandson is due in about 6 weeks. I am so excited to see his little face and to watch my daughter become a mom. I am working on his nursery, sewing a crib skirt, bumper pad and quilt from the fabrics Heidi and I selected at the fabric store a few weeks ago. As I finished one piece yesterday, I watched my hands as I was guiding the fabric along and I thought, "These hands are a gramma's hands and Kayden will only know them in this way. Does Heidi even remember when my hands were her mommy's, smoother and with no sun spots? Can I even remember what they looked like as a girl?" And then I thought of all the things my hands have done, as a child, a mother and a nurse. They deserve to look as they are; they have done so many things.
On several occasions this autumn, while driving to work with my sunroof open, I have seen a V of geese rise up and fly directly over me. I find such heart warming joy in the power and grace of their flight, and feel that I have been given a gift of this simple, lovely vision. I send my wordless prayer of gratitude to the sky , carried aloft on their wings.

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