Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good times with my buddy

Kayden and Gramma had another sleepover last Saturday night. Kayden is a great dancer, so first I put A Charlie Brown Christmas CD on and we did some head bobbing and turning in circles to some of those songs. But next I went for some tunes with a stronger beat and selected Louisiana Gumbo. When he first heard it, this look of "Wohhhh!!" came over his face and he really cut a rug, which, of course, had me laughing and snapping pictures.

His walking and balance skills have improved immensely. He can squat and pick something off of the floor without holding on and is becoming faster crossing the room. When he arrived he had on these cute little Michael Jordan shoes that made a little thunk thunk thunk noise when he walked- still flat footed. His language perception is growing too. He can point to a nose (his, yours, a dog's in his picture book) and eyes and ears. He says "hi!" and ""uh" for up (as in pick me up). Mostly, however, his word of choice is "doh" ~ Homer Simpson style. "Doh" is used in a variety of situations: when accompanied by a pointing finger, it means "Let's talk about this item I'm pointing at". When he is eating, it means he wants more. Heidi is afraid he is going to pass right by the "mamma" and "dadda" stage of speech and go straight to "Mom", as he seems to prefer single syllables.

As it always does, our evening ended with his bath and rocking him to sleep- the latter not being a popular decision at first, as Kayden apparently thought there was still play time left. He did eventually go to sleep, his silky curly hair brushing my face.

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