Sunday, January 17, 2010

Keep the Cheer Going

It's a rainy Sunday at home. Jim is lying on the couch watching the pregame for the Jets vs Chargers. As I tap away on the key board, Nell naps on my lap and Mistie snores softly beside me. Mollie would like to go outside- again- but we are limiting her time in the yard today because she comes in all muddy.

I'm remembering the Christmas just passed, a wonderful time spent with those we love. Inside and out, Christmas lights brightened the dark of winter. This year our street had more holiday lights than I ever remember here and I smiled every evening as I drove home, cheered by all the little sparkly bulbs. Not only did they display more lights, but people also seemed to leave them up later than in the past, keeping Christmas cheer as the long month of January began. Thinking about this, I wonder if, after the difficult year, we all yearned for sources of happiness. It certainly was so with me. As a matter of fact, we have decided to keep a little Christmas tree on our mantel. The lights warm my heart.

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