Monday, November 9, 2009

Autumn at home

Hard as it is to believe, another fall is coming to a close. I just yesterday raked the leaves from this tree off the grass and put the little crow back into the garage, along with my gardening tools. There are still a few chores to do before giving my trowels and weeders a cleaning and storing them away. I have moved some perennials to different places- quite a few to the back yard- and they seem happy in their new locations. There are a few blooms yet on the blanket flowers in Jessie's garden, but the cone flowers, dahlias and monarda are dried stalks with black seed heads. I leave them up for the birds to eat after the rest of the natural food is gone as winter settles in.

We have had some beautiful views of the moon in September and October. The nights are clear and cool, perfect for going out after dark and sky gazing. Early in the mornings before sunrise, the big dipper hangs in the sky to the north. I have read that if you follow the bottom 2 stars in the bucket, they point to the north star. Hard as I've tried, I can't seem to see it; maybe we have too much artificial light.

On the sunny days when the temperature has gone into the 60's, we open the windows so the cats can sit on their perches and sniff the air. I feel badly for them when winter is here and the windows and doors are closed. They still look out, but can't sniff the little chipmunks, squirrels, and other outdoor smells. Just now, the front window is still open, as it has been a warm day, and Ollie is at the window. There must be a night creature out there; he follows some movement intently. Nell lays on my lap and Mistie snores beside me on the couch. It is a peaceful November evening here at home, and I am thankful.

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