Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sitting up!

Kayden, now seven months old, has learned to sit up all by himself, and had his first tooth coming in yesterday. He also has started rudimentary speech patterns: Heidi and I took him to the Ohio State Fair last week, and from his stroller there was a frequent sequence of "da da da's" as we walked along. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter, and that smile!

I watched and marveled at my own children's development, but there is something different and almost more endearing and amazing watching Kayden grow. How incredible it is that a mere half year ago he was unable to do much of anything. Now he rolls around, sits up, holds onto and examines toys, and holds his mouth open like a baby bird to have food spooned in. He knows his mommy and daddy, Uncle Aaron, and Gramma. He is beginning to learn what he likes and what he doesn't; at the fair, he was a bit afraid of the big horses, turning his head and clutching Heidi.

This weekend, Heidi and Ashley are in a wedding, and Kayden is spending Saturday and Sunday with Jim and me. I am so looking forward to spending time with my little grandson!

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