Monday, July 20, 2009

Pool party

Yesterday I went out on a mission to find a little pool for Kayden to play in when he comes to Gramma and Grampas' house. I was very excited to find a pool big enough for the big people to get in too, so I brought it home and filled it up. (It is even heated- by carrying buckets of hot water from the kitchen!)
This afternoon, the big man came over with his mommy to check it out. He has cute little plaid trunks, and there are diapers now that don't soak up half the pool water- who knew?? In spite of the temperature being only 80 degrees, which is pretty cool for mid- July around here, they spent a little time in the pool. Kayden slapped the water and laughed, but it wasn't long before he got cold and traded his stylin' trunks for a warm towel, a bottle, and a nap on the porch swing.

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