Monday, October 6, 2008

Cute as a button

Ernie the wild kitten had a fun weekend. Even though he has grown amazingly in the past couple of weeks, he still is way too small to be left alone with the collies unsupervised. He has the total abandon normal for his age, and would pounce Winnie's nose and that would just about be his last pounce. So he has spent the time we are at work in the nursery/bathroom with his bed, food and lots of toys. This weekend he spent most of the time out running around and he had a ball! He climbed the stairs, chairs, and blankets; he chased Sam and Tabby and was chased back in return; he swatted dogs, cats, toys, and dirt on the floor. By mid afternoon Sunday he couldn't keep his eyes open and fell asleep in my lap. After awhile, I got up and put him in his bed, where he tried to stay awake but failed...over and over. His eyes would close and he would wobble back down to sleep...and grow to play tomorrow.

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