Monday, July 21, 2008


It is hot.
I'm talking sweat
-as-soon-as-you-walk-out-the door hot. We in Ohio only understand the concept of "dry heat" in the same way you would understand anything you read out of a text book. That is to say, we have wet heat that the weather folk refer to as humidity. Personally I think that word is too poetic for the feeling that you have been sealed in plastic wrap when you go outside. I prefer the word humuggity- from which we derive the word muggy. I don't know if muggy is a word that a people who have lived all their lives in, say, Phoenix, would know. Here, it's part of the forecast, as in "Today it's going to be hot and muggy."
We humans spend our days either in air conditioning- if we're lucky- or somewhere near water. My animal buddies just have to weather it out, so to speak. Yesterday evening I saw a little sparrow sitting on the fence panting. I wanted to invite him in to the AC but I guess he's better off with the heat than with 6 cats. It seems that the flowers LOVE this weather, as they are in full bloom and very lovely. I enjoy more than I can say wandering around the garden just admiring the colors.

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