Saturday, April 19, 2008


Ah, springtime! Gone are the dark days of winter when the hours of bird watching were so limited and the days so short. Now, as the sun rises earlier and sets later every day, a feline person has so many more opportunities to hang out at the window and gaze at the menu choices. This is such hard work! All the teeth chattering, tail twitching and vocalizations of greed and desire are not for the faint of heart! There is also the often required glaring, swatting and- if pressed- hissing to drive away current table top occupants to be certain of at least sharing the view. And after a fine time perusing the menu, there is lots of time to take one of many naps, dreaming of cardinal fricassee, sparrow skewers or chickadee and dumplings.

1 comment:

Michael J. Maxwell said...

How Funny -- Cardinal fricasee. Any good Otterbein Cardinal would take issue with that! All of the birds on the "bird menu" are really funny! Everyone needs to have dreams...

Hugs -- MJM